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CoreComm = Core Competencies(核となる技能) + Communication(コミュニケーション)





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現状の日本における英会話教育ではコミュニカティブ方式(Communicative method)または 区分教授法(Compartment teaching)が主に用いられています。コミュニカティブアプローチや区分教授法では、ユニットごとに分けられ、限られた状況でしか使えない決まった文章を暗記します。そのため教材で学ぶ会話と同じ状況にならない限り、本当に言いたいことを伝えることが大変難しくなってしまいます。また区分された方法で学んでいるため、自然な英語を使うことができなくなってしまうのです。

教材にも問題があります。内容に興味が持てないため集中しにくい、 本当に言いたいことを言えない、話しているのが一番多いのは講師、話す時間が少ないため双方向のコミュニケーションスキルを身に付けることができない、新しく学んだ内容を有意義に使うことができないなどです。



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CoreComm訓練システムは、言語学習にデータ駆動型のアプローチをとるという点で革命的です。CoreComm訓練システムとは、深い言語行動変化を引き起こす斬新なプロセスです。 今までは言葉を使う時に無意識な能力不足に陥っていた人を、意識することにより使える能力を持つ段階へと引き上げます。受講生は、コミュニケーションを図ることができないというレベルからコミュニケーションの図り方を知っているという変化を体験します。




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CoreComm vs 他の学習法

TOEIC™ 教材に比べ88%上達のスピードがアップ

受講生やビジネスプロフェッショナルの多くは、何か月も何年もかけて目標の点数に達するまでTOEIC™ を受験しますが、途中で挫折することも少なくありません。

CoreComm学習システムの受講者は、たった5日間40時間の研修後平均90- 150 点も TOEIC™が上がっています。比較すると、TOEIC™ 学習方法ではに同様の点数アップをするために325時間の学習時間を要しています。他のメソッドに比較すると、CoreComm学習システム™ で学ぶことにより、平均88% も時間が短くなりコストを削減することができます

CoreComm学習システムでは、スピーキングスピードが平均20% 、リーディングスピードが平均30%、発音とエラー認識が 平均55% アップしています。



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1. Individual results may vary.





  1. TOEIC™, TOEFL™ & Eiken™ のスコアアップを最高 88% 早く達成する手助けをする
  2. 会話と質問スキルのアップ
  3. スピーキングスピード 20%アップ.
  4. リーディングスピード30%アップ%.
  5. 5. ライティンススキルの向上
  6. リスニングと発音の正確性が最高 55% アップ.
  7. 受講生が興味がある・身に付けなければならない実生活に関係するマテリアルから選択
  8. 鍵となる言語&語彙知識を構築
  9. 自然に楽しく自信とディスカッションスキルを伸ばす
  10. コミュニケーション・パワーを自然に伸ばす無料ツール



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顧客体験が向上 - 顧客満足度が上がる



CoreComm言語学習&訓練システムは研修中、受講生の英語能力データを測定するデータ駆動型プログラムです。5日間で高い効果を示しています。より効果的にコミュニケーションを図るためのコア(核)を構築し、浅い知識を深い知識に変えてコミュニケーションを図るので、あなたの顧客の経験と満足度も上がります。我々の役割はあなたのコミュニケーション能力を上げ成功をもたらすことです。 CoreComm学習は、プロフェッショナルの世界でプロフェッショナルなアプローチを使った手法です。測定可能なアプローチで、測定可能な結果をもたらします。

  1. 費用対効果の高いデータ駆動型学習システム
  2. コミュニケーションの向上により顧客体験が向上
  3. TOEIC™に直接効果 - 通常TOEIC学習80~350時間相当分のスコアアップが40時間の研修で.
  4. レッスンは各受講生にカスタマイズ、成果は即効性があり測定可能
  5. 最初のレッスンから核となるコミュニケーション&交流スキルを構築
  6. 効果的な研修投資利益率( Return on Training Investment =ROTI).
  7. 深いコミュニケーション行動の変化
  8. より速く英語で考えて話すためのドリル演習
  9. 25年以上の言語&ビジネス研修経験を基に開発
  10. 経験豊富で刺激的なコーチが、実績のあるダイナミックな研修を提供 Proven Results.


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お客様の声 Our client's experience. Our client's voice.

ITエンジニアマネージャー 52歳



システムデザイナー, 35 歳



サポートスタッフ, 28歳



マーケティング部長, 42歳




Courses & Seminars

CoreComm Learning Phase I

The CoreComm Language Learning System is a one-week intensive training course. Ideal for students and professionals who need to improve their English communication skills immediately (i.e. pre-overseas placements, video/ teleconferencing). Also ideal for people who feel it is difficult to learn English or are not confident about their ability to communicate with confidence to anybody, anytime, anywhere. Level 350 TOEIC™ and up.

Seating is limited to 10 students.

CoreComm Learning Phase II

Requirements: CoreComm Language Learning System
Phase I

CoreComm Language Learning System Phase II is a weekend based intensive training course, available on selected Saturdays & Sundays. It is an excellent way for CoreComm Phase I graduates to maintain and further build their core communication skills. An excellent way to prepare and build your communication skills in a very short time. Great to prepare for Overseas business trips, Video/ Teleconference and others in a short time


Seating is limited to 10 students.

One-to-One Language Training

CoreComm Learning System provides professional one-to-one and group language courses including English, Japanese and Mandarin.

All trainers are highly experienced with proven teaching success, using teaching and training best practices to help each student achieve their language and communication goals.


Managing Director

The best training I've ever had.

"The best training I've ever had, because the trainer clearly understood our needs and areas to improve."

Senior Sales Manager

What I learned can be use for daily work.

"Even though it was a presentation course, what I learned can be used for daily work such as directing or communicating with customers."

Department Head

I will recommend to have another training.

"This course was extremely useful for me. I will recommend our company have another training for other staff as well."

Engineering Team Leader

Everything I learned in the course is great.

"Everything I learned in the course is great because the contents are not only concepts, but I could understand the reasons why I needed them, this allowed me to clearly understand each item."





Communication Toolkit 3.0

The new Communication Toolkit 3.0 helps you communicate more easily & with less stress immediately, by helping you build your real-world communication competency in a simple, easy and natural way.

The Communication Toolkit 3.0 gives you 15 key communication techniques + 2 Bonus techniques never taught or talked about in most English language classes. These are 15 key communication techniques that people who want to be true global communicators need to learn now.



.This seminar is a one-day seminar.





E-mail Writing for Global Professionals

Real Communication. Professional brand image. Company brand image. All of these are directly impacted by effective e-mail writing skills. A poorly written e-mail can damage both your professional and company brand image, loss of business opportunities and legal problems for today's professional.

This seminar gives you the key information, techniques and skills you need to write clear, concise and professional e-mails. By learning these key skills, you will improve your global communication skills, decrease writing time and stress.

This seminar is available in both a one-day and two-day advanced seminar.





Global Series
Power Presentation

This is a one day intensive presentation seminar. Participants will learn how to create and deliver a clear, logical and professional presentation using both effective body language and visual aids. The seminar focuses on the following areas: Cross- Cultural Issues, Body language, Knowing the Audience, Persuasion, Logical Structuring, Visual Aids and Managing the Q & A Session

By the end of the seminar, you will be able to create a clear, mutually supportive and internally consistent presentation that can be delivered to your audience with less stress, more confidence, and greater impact.

This seminar is available in both a one-day and two-day advanced seminar.





Global Series
Meetings & Facilitation

Are you ready? Do you have the right meeting & facilitation skills for today's Global meetings? For organizations, meetings are a way of life. Making these meetings as productive and efficient as possible increases your organization's productivity an success.

This seminar will help you learn and build the key techniques used by professionals for meeting planning and facilitation, and while facilitation is as much an art as a science, knowing these concepts can help even beginner facilitators plan and deliver more effective and timely meetings.

This seminar is available in both a one-day and two-day format.





Global Series
Team Building

Every company wants great team work. Every team wants great team work. Everybody wants great team work. But, we don’t get great teamwork. Why not? Because leaders forget that to get and keep great teamwork you must first Build Correctly and second Communicate Correctly.

With the CoreComm Global Team Building Seminar, participants learn how to build an effective team the right way and how to build maintain effective core communication skills, delivering the best team building experience for your teams.

This seminar is available in both a one-day and two-day format.





Global Series
Strategic Negotiation

When we hear the word ‘negotiation’ most people think of typical high-powered deals. The atmosphere is tense, the players are tough, and the stakes are high. In reality we all are negotiators. We have to negotiate every day with family, friends, colleagues, and clients. While negotiating a win-win agreement is preferable, in the real world, it's not always the result.

The Strategic Negotiation Seminar gives students the important fundamentals of negotiation, preparing for the negotiation process and key negotiation techniques and strategies to help you and your team negotiate the best deal possible.

This seminar is available in both a one-day and two-day format.





Global Series
Assertive Communication

The world is more competitive because of increased inter-communications and more population. People realize they need to be able to assert themselves in the workplace or in their personal life to achieve more in this competitive world while respecting each other’s rights which means assertiveness is becoming a critical skill.

Assertive Communication Skills help people express themselves freely without fear of other, generating more ideas leading to more creativity & productivity. Organizations benefit from a workforce that can debate, argue and challenge any system, process or concept. Debates are no longer controlled by those who shout the loudest.

These skills help naturally shy people communicate, help to silence naturally aggressive people and naturally aggressive people become more considerate & open to other’s ideas; communication & personal confidence increase. People have a clearer mission & goals understanding other's motivation more clearly while reducing misunderstandings between people and groups

This seminar is available in both a one-day and two-day format.





Global Series

There are many ideas of leadership. One idea is “Leadership is the process of social influence in which one person is able to enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task”. Alan Keith of Genentech said "Leadership is ultimately about creating a way for people to contribute to making something extraordinary happen." So, leaders should have a vision where people benefit and a way or path, which clearly shows how people can be involved to achieve that vision.

A Leader is Not the Same as a Manager. Management involves specific business-critical functions such as budgeting, developing a product, and generating reports. Leadership Is an Important Part of Being a Manager. Leadership in Management is how you communicate with your team or unit. A manager who works to improve their leadership skills can always improve the team’s performance.


This seminar is available in both a one-day and two-day format.





Global Series
Critical Thinking

Thinking carefully with clarity, depth, precision, accuracy, and logic. Great scientists, for example Albert Einstein, trained themselves to think critically.

Critical Thinking is the process of thinking in a certain way. The process of thinking clearly, with accuracy and precision. Thinking carefully, with logic and depth. Thinking open-mindedly, by examining points of view, acknowledging assumptions & and biases within a given viewpoint. Everyone can learn how to think critically if they take the time to learn.

In today's business and global environment, people need Critical Thinking skills more than ever, to be able to quickly identify what information is accurate and what information is not. People and teams need to be able to quickly identify the real information they need to understand the quickly changing global situation, make the best decisions and communicate to their counterparts in a clear and logical manner to succeed.


This seminar is available in both a one-day and two-day format.





Global Series
Strategic Analysis

Many people see Strategy as the most exciting course in the MBA Skills Seminar Cycle, because it gives you the chance to put all your new skills into action. This skills seminar and it’s concepts will put you in the place of the CEO, changing the way you look at businesses.

Strategic thinking involves comprehensive analysis of business in relation to its industry, competitors and the business environment in both the short- and long-term. Ultimately, strategy is a company’s plan to achieve its goals. Corporate management often does not know clearly what they want or how they'll get there. When this is the situation, a top level company discussion or planning meeting will often be like a ship with no rudder, a car with no steering wheel. Organizations need well-thought-out strategic plans or they will become victims of the marketplace instead of being the victors who shape it.

This seminar is a key component to your team and organization's success.

This seminar is available in both a one-day and two-day format.





Executive Training & Coaching

CoreComm Global Training System offers Executive Training & Coaching for those professionals requiring specialized and focused training. Starting with a detailed needs analysis, we work with professionals, step-by-step, building their core competencies in order to further build their key skill sets to achieve their goals.





Course Reservation

Reserve a Class or Business Seminar Today

Use our easy online reservation system to reserve an on-site program for your team or private one-to-one teaching session today.

  • Choose your appointment type
  • Pick an available date
  • Decide an appointment time
  • Enter your information
  • We'll send you a confirmation




With convenient training locations, CoreComm Learning is here to help develop your Global Communication skills today.



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